πŸ”₯Solution On The Horizon

What if we could re-engineer the fundamental way cryptocurrencies are mined and distributed through a truly decentralized network of micro miners while simultaneously breaking the monopoly of whale positions throughout the cryptocurrency ecosystems?

The balance of entry by micro miners is a practical solution in which anyone who chooses to own bitcoin can do so with ease and abundant access to cryptocurrency assets real time.


Imagine micro miners that enable users full access to tools never before considered as viable, but more importantly allow for wealth re-distribution which does not require taking from any source to then be given to another. A system which creates so much value for participants, that lives are transformed in a relatively short time span on so many levels in one’s life.


Cryptocurrencies were created with the intention of sharing wealth in the digital world for all participants without greed or exclusiveness, we are currently witnessing greed and exclusivity throughout the entire crypto space, and without a comprehensive yet affordable solution to the enormous wealth gaps that exist globally, the wealthy will acquire more wealth in a few hands which will eventually create absolute hatred of both governments and the wealthy.

The solution is micro mining, within this technology embodies the principle of true equity earned and not given. The time is now to introduce this technology to the world in the midst of rapid change from the old world to the new.

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